Life is a marathon, and you can’t cancel life

Stamatis N. Astra
An Idea (by Ingenious Piece)
2 min readSep 7, 2020


The Virtual Boston Marathon is here. A weird day for me. I was one of the lucky ones to escape the Bombing with a few scratches and a lot of emotional trauma. Marathon Day has been a difficult one for me. Especially the first couple of years, I had to travel far away during the Marathon weekend so I won’t be able to see the news coverage, the crowds; even the sight of the huge screen on the corner of Dartmouth and Beacon made me feel weak and sad. With time and help, I was able to join again the crowd, cheer the runners and watch the unbelievable human spirit beat pain. I was also fortunate to be part of the Wreath Ceremony, where the Greek Government donates the winners’ wreaths to BAA; and I was a witness of the year long efforts they do, I was able to meet the young runners, the old ones, and the elites. All of them shared the same passion and dedication to train and simply run the Boston Marathon.

Until this year.

Boston Marathon is canceled and we are doing a virtual one. I did my part and ran 5 miles, and I saw the lonely runners with the numbers, the support teams with the signs and the old parents waiting with a bottle of water and a snack to give at their exhausted daughter. It is a lonely Marathon and it is exactly how this year has been. I had a love -hate relationship with this Boston holiday, as it reminded me the worst but also some of the best memories. And now that it was canceled, I know I wanted it back even more. I want back the parties on Beacon Street, the cheers at heartbreak hill, the Hopkinton faithfuls and the people who go support the runners 5 hours after the winner has finished.

Because happiness is not the material stuff we gather, it is us being part of a cause bigger than ourselves and being along with others that share and love our values. So let’s make all our part to have a normal Boston Marathon next year, a normal sports season, normal church service, normal theater performances, normal commencements, normal and long dinners at restaurants. Let’s do what the experts say, and put away the disease that has canceled our fun. Because life is a marathon, and you can’t cancel life.

